About Us

TRG health group companies under the umbrella of Güven Holding, TRG International Health Services has started its activities in many provinces of Turkey with head offices in Ankara and Istanbul. TRG Group Health offers personalised health services in Turkey and in the world with our own hospitals, contracted hospitals, our own laboratories, contracted laboratories and our offices abroad. As TRG Sağlık A.Ş., our priority is to provide reliable, fast and personalised healthcare services for every individual today and in the future. Our responsibility towards the world and our courage to take every step that will be good for humanity are the foundations of our reliability.

We will continue to work for humanity tomorrow as we do today.

As TRG, we provide comfort and confidence in personalised health services. We want to be the first company that comes to mind in personalised health services all over the world.

We are brave;

We courageously continue to make health investments for all humanity, regardless of our language, colour and beliefs.

We are responsible;

While working for humanity, we work for a sustainable future without forgetting that we are responsible for nature and all living things with a sense of trust.

We are reliable;

As we continue to work with passion and courage, we strive to carry the trust that humanity has placed in us into the future.